Sinking under your subsidence claim? Let us help support you

Subsidence cracks
Subsidence cracks
Subsidence ground landslip
How we can help
Most insurance companies like to use their own in-house engineers and loss adjusters to oversee subsidence claims as it gives them an advantage over the claimant and allows them to dictate how a claim is dealt with and what repairs are undertaken. We have worked on many subsidence claims over the years, we strongly recommend that you appoint an assessor to manage your claim before contacting your insurers.

It is essential that subsidence claims are dealt with correctly from the outset. Mistakes made at the beginning can have a disastrous effect on the outcome. Insurance companies will look to reduce the scope of work to the bare minimum, therefore, having professional representation is vital to a successful settlement. These claims can get mired down with exhaustive monitoring and endless investigations. Insurance companies will also try and force policyholders to use their contractors. If necessary our structural engineers will oversee the claim. They will ensure that the scope of work is comprehensive, that is is costed by contractors specialising in subsidence claims and finally will oversee the work to ensure that it is carried out to a high standard and completed on schedule.
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